Ecuaisla Restaurant

846 N 6th St
Newark , NJ  07107

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Ecuaisla Restaurant, Newark

Do you own Ecuaisla Restaurant? If so please click the "Claim your free listing" image on the left to see why it is important to claim it. You can reach Ecuaisla Restaurant at (973) 483-0050 or visit their location at 846 N 6th St in Newark. Be sure to tell them how you found their listing! We have other Italian Restaurants businesses like Ecuaisla Restaurant which can be found by clicking the Italian Restaurants link near the top of this page. You will be able to reach Ecuaisla Restaurant at (973) 483-0050 or visit them at 846 N 6th St, but if you find you can't, please click the send button & let us know. You can find driving directions to Ecuaisla Restaurant in Newark by clicking the "View Larger Map" link under the map below.


Italian Restaurants