L Celina Restaurant
1205 Summit Ave
Jersey City
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L Celina Restaurant, Jersey City
L Celina Restaurant is located at 1205 Summit Ave and can also be reached at (201) 222-8600. To find out more please phone them or visit their location. Click the "SEND" button below if you find that L Celina Restaurant is not located at 1205 Summit Ave, Jersey City or the phone number is not (201) 222-8600. If you click the "View Larger Map" link below you can put in your address to get driving directions to L Celina Restaurant at 1205 Summit Ave. Are you the owner of this business? Do you know you can upload a video of L Celina Restaurant for free to help promote it? Do you want to know more about L Celina Restaurant? If so, click on the button that says "Read Merchant Reviews" to see previous testimonials.
Italian Restaurants