Sentient Interactive, LLC

Phone: See Site
183 Western Ave
Morristown , NJ  07960

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Sentient Interactive, LLC, Morristown

Sentient Interactive, LLC. Traditional marketing just won't cut it these days. Budgets are shrinking and managers are demanding shorter-term, more aggressive ROI. It comes as no surprise that in the past few years, marketing dollars began migrating toward online initiatives, which are typically simpler, faster, and more effective than their offline counterparts. The formula is simple: web marketing sells itself. You can measure every bit of activity, who your audiences are, how they found your brand, what they're interested in, and how your efforts can be monetized with just a click of the mouse. The lucky organizations might convert first-time visitors to brand loyalists. Smart organizations, however, take matters into their own hands and manage brand reputation by participating directly in the spheres that influence customer attitudes and behaviors; by cultivating a social presence.


Marketing & Advertising